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Memories and Needs

Memories… the picture on the left came up in my social media feed this week of Levi from 11 years ago. This was his first day of school photo. I found myself a little overwhelmed when it first appeared at the harsh reality that his journey through education is going to look a lot different for the next while. Those thoughts were quickly replaced with gratitude for the opportunity that we have to continue on his journey no matter what it looks like. He is strong and determined and we will figure out a way through.

As Levi moves through his rehabilitation, we are needing to prepare for his eventual release. There are several major decisions that will need to be made, but among the most pressing is our immediate need for a wheelchair accessible van. It is difficult to find one that will meet his specific needs. The quote that we have received is just over $100k and the funding being offered for this by the government of NB is $8k.

Please help us reach this goal so we can safely transport our son. As a 16 year old who recently felt the freedom of driving, he is desperate to go for a drive after 2 1/2 months in hospital.

Please reach out if you have any questions or funding ideas.

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